
Solace — 3 Days | 2 Nights

Solace — 3 Days | 2 Nights

Made over the last 2 years, 3 Days | 2 Nights reminds us of the healing power of Britain’s temperate rainforest and the fragility of these rare ecosystems. Supported by Arts Council England.

Metamorphosis, 2023

Metamorphosis, 2023

Recipient of TPA/RPS Environmental Bursary.
 Metamorphosis looks at the futuristic world 
 of the UK’s regenerative agriculture and food 

Custodians of Liverpool, 2022

Custodians of Liverpool, 2022

’Liverpool is the pool of life. It makes to live.’
 - Carl Jung

Custodians for Covid, 2020

Custodians for Covid, 2020

Waiting in the wings: theatres in lockdown. Through sales of limited edition prints, the project successfully raised £150k for the pandemic-threatened arts institutions.

Support Systems, 2018

Support Systems, 2018

An archive of what has been and an object that speaks of a knowledge to come. The details of these utilitarian objects reveal not specific use, but an accumulation of traces. Credits for Duncan Wooldridge.

Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie revisited, 2018

Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie revisited, 2018

Words of Light, 2016

Words of Light, 2016

Created over the period of one year at The University of Oxford, these works take as their starting point, audio recordings from thirty six lectures, spanning three academic terms.

Custodians, 2015

Custodians, 2015

’We encounter photography that is slower, meditative, photography that invites the viewer to think about tradition and the weight of history and, those who are entrusted with or caught up in its preservation and values.’ Russell Roberts

Sensitive to Light, 2015-ongoing

Sensitive to Light, 2015-ongoing

About photography, about time, about matter.

Havana Palimpsests, 2015

Havana Palimpsests, 2015